Benchmarking and stats analysis reports for root servers.

Maren S. Leizaola leizaola at
Thu Apr 6 06:08:56 UTC 2000

	I am currently looking at capacity planning for bind and I would
like to know if there is any benchmarking utilities to be able to rate
name servers.  I would like to know how many lookups per second or minute
a server can handle before they reach saturation point. Are there any
tools out there to simulate the traffic and measure the response of a
server. I know that performance will be variable depending on the config,
but getting a number (x) of lookups per second answering under n ms under
recursive and non recursive configurations would be great.

	I recently read that there is some work being done on analizing
the stats of the root servers. Can someone provide me any pointers to see
what reports/work is being done.


SARNic Ltd.                                  leizaola at
                                             Tel: 852 2525-5288

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