Can I run 2 named processes on the same machine?

Jim Reid jim at
Wed Apr 5 18:53:32 UTC 2000

>>>>> "Mark" == Mark Whitsett <mwhitset at> writes:

    Mark> Chris, I can only assume you can't have two server bound to
    Mark> the same service port.  The standard port for BIND is 53
    Mark> which is the nameserver standard.  Running on anyother port
    Mark> would be ridiculous.

This is true but not the whole truth. It's perfectly possible to run
two (or more) name server processes, each one listening on port 53 of
a specific network interface. For instance one could present the
external copy of some domain to the outside world while another
handles queries for the internal copy of the domain on the interface
connected to the internal network. So for multiple named processes,
someone can use multiple named.conf files, each of which defines its
own pathnames for zone files, control sockets, logging and the like as
well as a listen-on clause to say which network interface(s) it uses.

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