Not reading changes to named.conf

Rian Kruger rian at
Wed Apr 5 10:25:21 UTC 2000

If someone could help me it would be much appreciated. I have had the
following problem for the last week and nothing I do seems to correct it.

Bind was set up on our server a year ago, our named server is the
primary DNS server for all the our domains.

We had a domain that just stopped working, it appeared to be DNS, I
reset up the entire domain and it started working again. However another
of our domains has stopped working (

The problem is definitely DNS related as I am unable to get a reply when
I use nslookup or dig.

It's not a configuration file problem as I used the exact same config as
the rest of the domains.

zone "" {
    type master;
    file "zone/";
#   allow-transfer {;;; }

zone "" {
    type master;
    file "zone/";
#   allow-transfer {;;; }

It was recommended that I installed the latest version of bind, but this
did not solve the problem.

I have noticed that I am now having the same problem with another domain
I have just set up. 

Could it be that the named.conf file is just not being read? 

Has anyone had this problem before, if so how did you manage to fix it?

If anyone could advise me on this it would be much appreciated, thanks.

Rian Kruger
Purple Lemon Ltd.   London and Manchester
rian at
The Old Jam Factory, Green Walk, London, SE1 4TU
t.0207 940 7155   f.0207 940 7150
Registered in England no. 3783179

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