Secondary DNS Server (Slave)

Chad K. Schuller chads at
Tue Apr 4 22:21:21 UTC 2000

Hey List,
I am just starting to build a secondary dns server(4.9.7).  The primary
(4.9.7)server has around 5000 domain that we currently host.  This number is
growing everyday.  When I add a zone record to the primary box, I would also
have to add it to the secondary's named.boot file.   The documents I have
read, "the grasshopper book",  states that a secondary dns server will only
do am update to the zone files that it is a secondary for.  Which means, I
would have to add the line:  secondary for every domain that is added to the primary.  Is this
correct?  email off list if I was not clear enough.

Thanks in advance,

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