named loggin

Ralf Hildebrandt R.Hildebrandt at
Tue Apr 4 07:14:23 UTC 2000

Am 04.04.2000 um 00:04:41 +0700 schrieb Audsanee Supaneedis folgendes:

> This is my /etc/syslog.conf
> *.err;kern.notice;auth.notice                   /dev/sysmsg
> *.err;kern.debug;daemon.notice;mail.crit        /var/adm/messages
> *.alert;kern.err;daemon.err                     operator
> *.alert                                         root
> *.emerg                                         *

Very confusing. The first two lines generate duplicates (kern.debug subsumes
kern.notice, *.err is duplicated)

I prefer a structured approach:

auth.debug						/var/log/auth/auth.log
mail.debug						/var/log/mail/mail.log
daemon.debug						/var/log/daemon/daemon.log						/dev/null
*.debug;daemon.none;mail.none;auth.none;local0.none	/var/log/other/syslog.log
*.emerg							*
*.emerg							/var/log/other/syslog.log

I didn't change loggin in my named, and it logs using facility daemon.
For your syslog.conf that means if named's messages have level err or higher
they go to /dev/sysmsg and /dev/sysmsg, if they have level notice or higher
they go to /var/adm/messages

> and I want to know that why "ndc" command want to open
> /usr/local/etc/named.conf ? Can I change the location of the config file?

ndc communicates with the named process by means of a unix domain socket.
I'd say ndc doesn't read named.conf at all, only named does.

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