Wildcard domain resolving

Hubert Seiwert bind-users at seiwert.com
Sun Apr 2 15:35:32 UTC 2000

X-No-Archive: Yes

I would like to set up a DNS server that resolves any domain / hostname it is
queried about to a certain IP address (it responds with a fixed A record
regardless of the query content). The purpose is pointing a number of domains
to an IP-based virtual server, saving me having to set up a zonefile for every
domain. As far as I know, in BIND wildcards only work for subdomains and
there's no way to set up records that match *.com or *.

Is there a way I could accomplish this with BIND, or is there another server
which will do this? So far I've only found lbnamed [1], a load balancing name
server in Perl, which would probably be easier to hack for this purpose than
the huge bind source, but before I attempt this I'll ask here.

H. Seiwert.

[1] http://www.stanford.edu/~schemers/docs/lbnamed/lbnamed.html

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