Most popular DNS

Johnny Fribert Lauridsen jlaurids at
Sun Apr 2 12:41:32 UTC 2000

At 16:30 01/04/2000 +0200, Tony Earnshaw wrote:

>But, point-and-click is the most popular.
Yep, the new term, so I've heard, for DNS, is IPAM - IP Address Management.  This brings in
features to DNS that would probably be too much for command-line and flat file editing.
So, I agree with Tony.  Days seems to come to an end for persons (like myself) that used to enjoy
commands with 20 flags/options and arguments, and select() systems calls with bit-masks and kill -INT dumps, etc..   
This seems to be quite in sync with
how the new youngs are being educated these days (my source is the next door kid, - he keeps me informed :-)
Point-and-click will bring DNS (and DDNS, and DHCP, and, etc.) to IPAM.  Few will know how it really works,
but it will probably work.

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