IRIX questions

Bob Remeika bob at
Thu Sep 30 01:33:10 UTC 1999


	Once again, thanks for the help.  I found the BIND executable in
/usr/freeware/bin.  Its the 8.2.1 version because I typed "./named" and it
asked for the /etc/named.conf file.  I found the compiler as well in that
directory.  Makes me wonder if I always had these things and I was just
looking in the wrong directory. :)

	Well, I did have another question about the compiler.  I made a simple
hello world C app that used stdio.h.  The compiler told me that it could not
find that file.  On the website it tells you this (for the
problem symptom and solution):

file.c:1: stdio.h: No such file or directory

You haven't installed the IRIX standard headers. You may find them in IRIX
inside irix_dev.sw.headers or in the compiler/development CD in

Where can I find the irix_dev.sw.headers because Im pretty sure we dont have
the compiler/developement CD?  And how would I install them?

As you can see, when it comes to UNIX, Im not very experienced, so I really
appreciate your help.

Thanks again,
Bob Remeika

-----Original Message-----
From: RobertM [mailto:robm at]
Sent: Wednesday, September 29, 1999 3:57 PM
To: Bob Remeika
Subject: Re: IRIX questions

Greetings Bob,

It is alleged that Bob Remeika once typed:
> Thanks very much for the info.  I think I got the named server installed.


> I typed in "whereis named" and I got a directory (/usr/etc/named.d/) and a
> compressed file (/usr/share/catman/a_man/cat1/named.z).  In the named
> directory there are two files.  One is a link (named.boot ->
> ../../../etc/named.boot) and the other is a file that contains the root
> server information (root.cache).

You should also have an executable named, normally in /usr/sbin
and some rather useful associated programs like whois nslookup and

> 	The symbolic link file links to a file that isnt there.  Is the named
> server enabled on my system?  I'm not really sure what this info is

No, I'd put money on the fact that you're not running named.
Do you know which version of named/bind you installed? the 4.x series
use named.boot the 8.x use named.conf

> me and I was wondering if you could shed a little insight for me.  Do you
> have any sample files that would allow me to test the named server?  Also,

The best way to test the server is to use the command:
It should be using your local machine as it's server, e.g:
$ nslookup
Default Server:

If you then type in the local host name , in this case onn,  you
should get a response like this:
> onn


If this doesn't happen somethings broken.

> is there anything else I have to do to configure the named server?

You must have a valid named.boot or named.conf, without knowing
if you're primarying or secondarying for anything /* or for that
matter being certain which version your running */ I can't say what
should be in it.

> Do I have to put something in the rc2.d directory?

Yep, you'll need to have something to start named, if you've got named
running it should show up in a ps
ps -A | grep named
456715 ?       2:14 named

If your boss wants you to look after a name server, either get or get
him to get a copy of "DNS and BIND" from O'Reilly it really is a must
have. I'd hate to look after name servers without it.

> 	Off the subject a little bit is the compiler question.  I thought I
> installed the gcc and the egcs compilers but when I use the gcc command,
> says command not found.  When I look under my installed programs, they
> up.  Is there something that Im missing in my configuration?  When I type
> "whereis gcc" it comes up with nothing.

Sounds as though it's just not on your path try:
find / -name gcc
or just try checking under
/usr/local/bin or /usr/freeware

> PS For the bind server and the compilers I used SGI's install now option
> from  Was wondering if that had anything to do
> why I cant get this stuff to work.

Cool, If you got it from the latest collection you're running
bind-8.12 this is a good thing, it will be looking for
/etc/named.conf _NOT_ named.boot
I've never had any problems with SGI's installs so it should be ok,
check you've got a named.conf and check that a named process is
running, if it isn't try just running named, it doesn't need any flags
if you have any problems or named.conf is missing give us a shout.

  "Ask not what I can do for the stupid,
         but what the stupid can do for me" - Graeme Garden

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