bind 8.2.1

Jim Reid jim at
Fri Sep 24 20:01:06 UTC 1999

>>>>> "Skip" == Skip Montanaro <skip at> writes:

    Skip> I just scanned through the CHANGES and README files that
    Skip> came with 8.2.1 looking for notes about the TTL change.  I
    Skip> saw nothing that would suggest that $TTL is now required.
    Skip> Perhaps something should be added to README that indicates
    Skip> that.

Well the $TTL directive is explained in doc/rfc/rfc2308 and
doc/html/master.html, so you can't have spent much/any time reading
the documentation. And the CHANGES file does say "RFC 2308 support
added". Presumably that's not enough to prompt people to go and read
that RFC even though it's included in the doc tarball. There's also a
reference to $TTL in the 8.2.1 src/README. Maybe you overlooked that
or didn't think it was worth further investigation too?

Oh, and if you think the documentation is deficient in some way, I'm
sure the ISC would welcome any release notes or stuff like that if you
cared to write them.

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