Local DNS and unresolvable virtual web host

Jim Reid jim at mpn.cp.philips.com
Thu Sep 23 02:48:26 UTC 1999

>>>>> "Chris" == Chris P Gatcombe <chris at gatcombe.com> writes:

    >> You should be running BIND8. BIND4 is dead.

    Chris> Yes, I guess I should upgrade, but this is a small (very
    Chris> small) home network, mostly for educational use only.

You'll learn a lot more if you use up to date software. :-) BTW my
equally small home network runs BIND8.2.1. If I can do it, you can
too! :-)

    >> BTW, is this your own private mydomain.com zone, or are you the
    >> owner of the real, registered one? Or have you chosen not to
    >> tell us your real domain name and used "mydomain.com" as a
    >> place-holder?

    Chris> I have my own real, registered domain. I changed the name
    Chris> here in the group to protect the innocent (me)! I didn't
    Chris> know that "mydomain.com" was a real site though.

Well please make a note not to do that the next time. You gain nothing
by hiding the actual domain names and IP addresses when you post details
of your configuration. It doesn't help the readers of this list who
might try to troubleshoot the problem. In fact it confuses them or
makes it impossible to analyse things. ie is "mydomain.com" the real
mydomain.com or is it just some bogus name the poster has made up? And
if it's made up, how can someone figure out what the real domain was
that has the broken NS or SOA records or has incorrect MX records,
etc, etc.

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