Probelem with the clients - MICHAEL VOIGHT COMMENT

Joseph S D Yao jsdy at
Tue Sep 14 14:27:45 UTC 1999

Patrick Greenwell cleverly retorted:
> On Mon, 13 Sep 1999, Malacai wrote:
> > Anyway...  I want to make a general comment.  I've noticed a lot of
> > rude responses to first-time questions.  Most of those responses are
> > from Mr. Michael Voight. 
> Every so often someone like yourself comes along on a newsgroup or
> mailing list and bitches about the attitude of people that are answering
> questions. Keep this in mind: no one owes you anything. 
> Would you like your money back? 

Mr. Greenwell, did this do anything to increase the general civility of
the 'Net?

Mr. Malacai's observations, albeit limited by being in the group for
two days - obviously, he has never read the Usenet newusers protocols
suggestions for NOT posting for the first six months - unfortunately
caught a disturbing trend for his limited sample.  Mr. Voight's tone
SOMETIMES has been rather abrupt lately.  It is my perception that this
is a recent change, and perhaps he will improve.  [Hence the suggestions
NOT to post based on limited and possibly biased samples - cf.
<URL: news://news/news.announce.newusers>.]

OTOH, many times Mr. Voight is still very patient at helping newcomers.
And he does seem to have a >50% correct rate, which makes him at least
somewhat helpful to those in the mailing list / newsgroup, eh?


OBTW - Mr. Voight is, unfortunately, far from unique in his occasional
abruptness.  There are other abruptness stars of this forum.  Why pick
on him?  Let's all get these I-beams out of our own eyes first, eh?

Joe Yao				jsdy at - Joseph S. D. Yao
COSPO/OSIS Computer Support					EMT-B
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