BIND 8.2.1 Hangs - NDC fails

Barrett Richardson barrett at
Mon Sep 13 19:10:04 UTC 1999

On 13 Sep 1999, Eric Molitor wrote:
> I have the same problem here at work. Any chance you could post that script to
> the newsgroupor make it available?
> - Eric Molitor

Doens't do any error checking on the reload -- named could be dead
and the script wouldn't know. In my case I have another means that
monitors if it is running.  At first glance it looks like the problem
starts with logging. First logging ceases, but named continues to
answer requests, for a few minutes. When it stops answering requests,
an "ndc reload" will wake it back up and get logging going again.
This box is a Linux Alpha box and is being replaced with a Sun box this
afternoon. If it does the same on the Sun I'll send it a SIGSEGV to
entice it to dump core (see what it is trying to do when it's hung).

------------ cut ------------

while :
  nslookup -timeout=5 > /dev/null 2>&1
  if [ $? -ne 0 ];
      ndc reload > /dev/null 2>&1
      echo "ndc reload executed" | mail some.body.that.cares
   sleep 15
---------- cut ----------------- 



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