Setting up a Root name server

Cedric Puddy cedric at
Mon Sep 6 18:04:52 UTC 1999

On Mon, 6 Sep 1999, Jim Reid wrote:

[whole darn discussion, mud slinging, technical details, etc, etc,

After watching this go back and forth for a bit (gosh, you go
away for a weekend, and look what happens to the ol' inbox, eh?),
I've come away with a couple of thoughts.

1) BIND is clearly not designed to easily facilitate slaving
   big, fat, TLDs for the use of private networks.  Whether
   or not BIND appears to have been designed to make this
   unnecessary seems to be a topic of some discussion, though
   my personal take is that it appears to have been carefully
   designed to make such a practice unnecessary.

   If one is indeed a very large organisation, changes to
   make this possible/easier could in theory be implemented
   (the code _is_ available:), or the ISC could become
   convinced that it was technically worth doing.  (If the
   ISC could not be convinced that the idea was worth
   implemented on the basic of technical merit, I might
   think twice about spending my own cash on doing it
   myself... :)

2) Since you, Chris, represent a reasonably sized interest,
   why not pursue partnering with the Internic to have a
   real honest-to-god root server set up on your network
   (presumably at a peering point, so as not have to
   have external net traffic back-hauled through too much
   of your "internal" network).  Since there are 12 named
   root servers (probably scattered clusters of machines,
   as opposed to 12 monolithic boxes, if I had to guess:),
   I would surmise that the InterNIC isn't going out of it's
   way to create these things "willy-nilly".  There are
   also any number of contractual and political reasons that
   could kill such a concept stone-dead.  I merely mention
   it becuase it seems like the most direct approach to
   getting most of what you appear to want.

3) It seems to me that the key question is "why isn't cacheing
   sufficient?".  There was one mention that some sites
   run with 60 second timeouts.  I might have seen one or
   two - literally.  My impression is that most DNS admins
   are not quite that far-gone, and would therefore discount
   that as being a rather minor concern.  You may have
   better info.

   My network, for the lookups and traffic it supports, is
   scalable and a bit overbuilt.  I therefore glance at my
   DNS stats rarely. I therefore do not recall the exact 
   information contained therein as well as I should... 
   My idea is that you could build a pretty good model of how 
   well caching is working for you by looking at stats like this:
   	1) In normal operation, record numbers of queries
	   for which recursion, lookups, etc, where required,
	   VS. queries that where answered from cache.
	   Perhaps turn on debugging are record the average
	   TTL of the records being handled by way of a
	   programmatic filter.  Do average, means, and find
	   the SD of the TTLs.  Graph the stats RE: lookup/
	   VS answer from cache.
	2) On some nameservers, clear the cache, and record 
	   lookup data over time (presumably, again, queries
	   requiring lookups VS cache @ a 5 min or 30s or
	   whatever interval).  That should should show
	   a pattern of entries getting rapidly added into
	   the cache and leveling off, and continuing to
	   slowly build, I should think.
	3) Get some stats for how long it takes for entries
	   you know to be cached to be returned from one
	   of your NS VS. entries you know not to be cached.
	   (a sorted list of unique hosts from a WWW log
	   on a freshly flushed NS would presumably do the
	   trick for the "not-cached" part.  Record data
	   while doing the lookups so as to identify the
	   time root servers, your server, and the record
	   holders server took to do the job for each
	I should think that you would then have all the
	data required to determine whether the cash and
	time required to buy a n-way SMP, 2Gb RAM, x^y
	Gb HDD, and configure said beast is worth it.
	It would be a bit of work to do (some of those
	bits would have to be programmed anyway...).
	My impression is that no-one on this list has
	done such an empirical test, and no-one seems
	eager to either.  Where I sort of fellow to
	bet actual money, I would probably bet that
	Barry is correct about the effectivness of
	caching.  Since none of my clients seem interested
	in paying for such an analysis, I certainly
	don't expect to be doing such an investigation
	myself, though if you do complete such an
	endevour, I'm sure I'd be interested to know
	if I was correct (or wrong :).  [perhaps the
	machine you had in mind for this isn't quite
	like I painted it above.  Oh well if it isn't:)]

	Best Regards,


|  CCj/ClearLine - Unix/NT Administration and TCP/IP Network Services
|  118 Louisa Street, Kitchener, Ontario, N2H 5M3, 519-741-2157
   Cedric Puddy, IS Director		cedric at
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