backup dns for granitecanyon

Image Technology Corp. Info at Image-Technology.NET
Thu Sep 2 17:45:42 UTC 1999

this morning, granitecanyon servers are down.  our
name service is homed on ns1 and ns2, so
unfortunately, our network is off-air relative to
the rest of the world.  sigh.  in the brief look
that i've done, i've not found another service
like granitecanyon.  what i would like to do is
secondary at an alternative site with hopes that
the impact of a name server down situation could
be minimized.

1. is there a source of status info regarding
granitecanyon's servers?  the dns and web admin
servers seem to be pretty reliable, but the nntp
server (the only source of help/info/status that i
know) has been down for quite some time, at least
6-9 months.  the ugly feeling of uncertainty due
to no source of info is a drag.

2. is there a comparative service that could be
used in concert with granitecanyon to provide an
additional measure of sustained uptime?

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