syslog: couldn't send reply to 2130706433

Jim Reid jim at
Wed Sep 1 18:03:10 UTC 1999

>>>>> "Ralf" == Ralf Hildebrandt <R.Hildebrandt at> writes:

    Ralf> What could be the cause of the following message?  
    Ralf> Sep 1 15:37:22 XXXXXXXX syslog: couldn't send reply to 2130706433
    Ralf> Sep 1 15:37:22 XXXXXXXX syslog: couldn't send reply to -2035727767

    Ralf> Pinging 2130706433 results in

    Ralf> # ping 2130706433
    Ralf> PING 2130706433: 64 byte packets 
    Ralf> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=0. time=0. ms 
    Ralf> 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1. time=0. ms
2130706433 is the decimal representation of IP address so it
looks as though something could have a problem with reverse lookups of
the localhost address. Why it prints that as a digit string instead of
a dotted-decimal is beyond me. I'd guess that -2035727767 (-7956BD97
in hex) is IP address (F956BD97) printed as a signed
32-bit integer. So you've probably got something that isn't using
inet_ntoa() to pretty-print these IP addresses as dotted decimals.

    Ralf> The system is a C200 running HP-UX 10.20.

I think you should ask Mr. Hewlett or Mr. Packard.... :-)

It's too bad you zapped some of the stuff from the logs. Something in
XXXXXXXX probably identifies the software that's printing IP addresses
as signed decimal numbers. Or maybe the problem is in the syslog()
routine in HP-UX if it's not the thing that's calling syslog().

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