Same yet different?

Mark_Andrews at Mark_Andrews at
Sat Oct 30 01:44:37 UTC 1999

	They are a summary of the following query:

		dig +norec soa zone @server

	rcode 3 is NXDOMAIN.

> We are using stub entries to share data between master nameservers on a
> private network.  I have gotten these error messages in my syslog:
> Oct 28 10:06:44 ns1 named-xfer[23180]: [] not authoritative
> for, SOA query got rcode 0, aa 0, ancount 0, aucount 12
> Oct 28 10:06:44 ns1 named-xfer[23181]: [] no SOA found for
>, SOA query got rcode 3, aa 1, ancount 0, aucount 1
> I understand the first one means that the server being contacted doesn't
> know anything about the zone in question, but I've never seen the second
> one.  Could someone explain the differences between these two messages?
> --
> Dave
Mark Andrews, Internet Engines Inc. / Internet Software Consortium
1 Seymour St., Dundas Valley, NSW 2117, Australia
PHONE: +61 2 9871 4742                 INTERNET: Mark_Andrews at

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