Logging to specific file

Harold Pritchett harold at uga.edu
Thu Oct 28 13:03:33 UTC 1999

((Excellent tutorial on syslog deleted...))
> The final part (which I don't have the answer to) is the configuration of
> BIND to use the desired facility.  I believe that it defaults to "daemon".

You need to put the following (or something like it in your named.conf file.

logging {
        channel         namedlog        { syslog local0; severity info; };
        channel         namedslog       { syslog local1; severity info; };
        category        default         { namedlog; default_debug;      };
        category        statistics      { namedslog; default_debug;     };
        category        lame-servers    { null; };
        category        cname           { null; };
        category        notify          { null; };
        category        response-checks { null; };

also, in syslog.conf

local0.info     /usr/spool/mqueue/namedlog
local1.info     /usr/spool/mqueue/namedslog

As you can see, I log my named stats in a different file from the other
messages.  I also discard lame server messages and several other 
different types of messages I really don't want to keep.

Hope this helps


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