DNS error message

André Pirard A.Pirard at ulg.ac.be
Tue Oct 26 13:43:02 UTC 1999

Barry Margolin <barmar at bbnplanet.com> wrote:

>In article <7tvqt5$2hc$1 at carroll.library.ucla.edu>,
>Jamie Finestein <jfinestein at mednet.ucla.edu> wrote:
>>I get the following error message in my messages file:
>>Oct 12 09:44:22 ns2 named-xfer[16696]: [] not authoritative
>>for 173.142.149.in-addr.arpa, SOA query got rcode 0, aa 0, ancount 1,
>>aucount 3
>>I am running BIND 8.1.2 on my master and 2 secondary servers.  The unusual
>>thing is that I get this error message on only one of my two secondary
>>servers during the zone transfer.  I have checked the named.conf file on the
>>master and there is no record for that address.  So, I do not know where
>>that address is coming from.
>You need to check the named.conf file on ns2.  It should have something
>zone "173.142.149.in-addr.arpa" {
>  type slave;
>  masters {; }

If that were missing, ns2 would never have queried
What seems to be missing is a NS record for

--- Query Name: 173.142.149.IN-ADDR.ARPA  Qtype: NS
  1 173.142.149.IN-ADDR.ARPA NS IN
  1 173.142.149.IN-ADDR.ARPA NS IN 21571 neuromedia.neurobio.ucla.edu
  2 173.142.149.IN-ADDR.ARPA NS IN 21571 neurobionet.neurobio.ucla.edu
  1 neuromedia.neurobio.ucla.edu A IN 43186
  2 neurobionet.neurobio.ucla.edu A IN 43189


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