8.2.2 compile problems on RH6

Dave Wreski dave at nic.com
Sun Oct 24 02:35:45 UTC 1999

Hi all.  I'm having difficulty compiling 8.2.2 on my RH6 i386 box:

/usr/lib/libc.a(res_init.o): In function `__res_randomid':
/usr/src/bs/BUILD/glibc/resolv/res_init.c:652: multiple definition of
../../lib/libbind.a(res_init.o)(.text+0x98c): first defined here
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make[2]: *** [named] Error 1

I had to modify the ./src/bin/named/Makefile a bit, and I'm not sure if
that affected it.  bison doesn't seem to use y.tab.[ch]:

ns_parser.c ns_parser.h: ns_parser.y
        ${YACC} ns_parser.y
        mv ns_parser.tab.c ns_parser.c
        mv ns_parser.tab.h ns_parser.h

Also, I'm trying to compile it for a chroot, so I added -static to the
Makefile as well:

${PROG}${EXE}: pathnames.h ${OBJS} ${LIBBIND} Makefile tmp_version.${O}
        ${CC} ${CDEBUG} ${LDFLAGS} ${BOUNDS} -static -o ${PROG}${EXE} 
${OBJS} \
tmp_version.${O} ${LIBBIND} ${SYSLIBS}

Thanks for any ideas.

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