nslookup always said my host IP is

Preiz mylife at hongkong.com
Fri Oct 22 17:33:39 UTC 1999

Hi, I am sorry if I post this in the wrong group.  I am very new to
networking.  I am trying to setup a DNS server on redhat 6.0.  Before that I
found out I don't even have a correct configuration by using local host file
for IP and hostname mapping.

Everytime I type nslookup, it displays my hostname but with IP  I
did remove the /etc/resolv.conf file as I am not using DNS.  I have changed
the /etc/nsswitch.conf file to look at the " file" first, then "dns".  The
/etc/HOSTNAME correctly have my hostname in it. ifconfig eth0 correctly
stated my IP address.  My /etc/hosts file is correctly match the hostname
and IP.  I can telnet from other host by using either IP or hostname.

Am I missing something?  Please help as I get stuck with this more than 2
weeks.  I really appreicate that.  Thanks in advance.
Best regards,  Preiz.

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