More on advisory question

Dave Wreski dave at
Fri Oct 8 20:40:14 UTC 1999

> >Why is the ACL 'trusted' not known?
> How is BIND supposed to know what IP addresses you trust?  You have to
> define it using an "acl" statement.  For example,

I thought it was a reserved word.  There was no mention in that in the
advisory.  I have used the allow-transfer statement, however.  Can you
explain the difference?  Can the 'trusted' be used in the same manner,

> >Actually, how do I prevent unauthorized queries?  I'd like to prevent
> >someone from doing:
> >
> ># nslookup
> How do you possibly think you can stop people on machines you have no
> control over from typing that command?  All you can do is configure your
> server so it won't answer them.

Heh, I thought I'd strap 30k volts to everyone's keyboard when it was
detected that they were typing that.. Ok, sorry for the sarcasm.  That is
actually what I was getting at by my statement above.  What would give you
the idea that I could expect to control what someone typed? ;)

Thank you,

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