Bind 8.1.2 in.named memory leak in Solaris 7

Jim Reid jim at
Fri Oct 8 15:04:38 UTC 1999

    Joaquim> I´m having the  problem describe in the article. Look at
    Joaquim> top´s information below:
    Joaquim> 28729 root       1  58    0  545M  417M sleep  33:57  2.78% in.named
    Joaquim> 29065 root       1  58    0 2120K 1504K cpu     0:00  0.51% top

Wow! A name server of that size is unusual. You might expect something
to be that big at a major ISP, but not for the environment you

    Joaquim> The server is just 3 day up and it is only a name server.
    Joaquim> This is a internal dns server and is used for zone
    Joaquim> transfer, so the cache should not grow as big
    Joaquim> as it is. We don´t have so many internal hosts to cache.

Hmm. There are a few things you could check. The first is the name
server's config file and zone files. Are you *sure* these are really
as small as you say they are? How big is named after it has been
started and it has only loaded your zone files? The second thing to do
would be to make the name server dump its cache - assuming you have
enough free disk space for it somewhere. That would let you find out
what was in the cache: maybe there's some idiot application that's
flooding the name server with queries, perhaps doing an exhaustive
search of the name space. ie
	for (i = a; i <= zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz; i++)
		lookup (;

A third possibility could be you're running really ancient name server
code that has a memory leak. [You didn't say which version of BIND you
were running.] Try running 8.2.1. It's always a good idea to run up to
date name server code because it should have fewer problems with
memory leaks (memory that doesn't get freed whenever it is no longer
needed). It'll also have the known security holes plugged.

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