
Cricket Liu cricket at acmebw.com
Tue Nov 16 00:31:28 UTC 1999

> Everything I've read indicates that the named.conf file is supposed to
> be in the /etc directory. I've compiled and installed 8.2.2-P3, and run
> named-bootconf, which copies my old named.boot and creates a 
> named.conf.  So far so good.
> But when I try to start named, it comes up with the following message:
> can't open '/usr/local/etc/named.conf'. Of course it can't - there isn't
> one! So what am I supposed to do with this? Yes, I could copy
> /etc/named.conf to /usr/local/etc, but that's not the way it's supposed
> to work, is it? What am I doing wrong?

Well, you could just start the name server with:

# /usr/sbin/named -c /etc/named.conf

or you could set DESTETC to /etc in the Makefile and recompile.

> Side point: I also pulled down the patch4 file, but I've no idea what I
> am to do with it. It seems to be a shell script, but it doesn't seem to
> work. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

You need to feed it to the patch program:

% patch < patch4


Acme Byte & Wire
cricket at acmebw.com

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