NSlookup command-line question

Mathias Koerber mathias at koerber.org
Fri Nov 12 00:01:08 UTC 1999

What do you ean by 'does not work' (care to show examples)?

a.root-servers.net is non-recursive. Could it be that your domain has not
(yet) been
registered in the .com zone (on the root-nameservers), so that it returns
the SOA and NS records for .COM itself?


-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Wolfe <telomere at take.this.out.inconnect.com>
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.dns.bind
To: comp-protocols-dns-bind at moderators.isc.org
<comp-protocols-dns-bind at moderators.isc.org>
Date: Friday, November 12, 1999 7:55 AM
Subject: NSlookup command-line question

|    This question isn't strictly a BIND question, but I couldn't find a
|better place to ask....
|   Our company has approximately 200 domain names (no, we're not
|cyber-squatters), but lately NSI has been screwing up our NS entries either
|on all root servers, or occasionally just on select ones.  I'd like to
|create a script to check the NS records for each of the domains in a flat
|file, checking at least two of the root name servers.  However, I am having
|trouble with the command-line args for nslookup...
|if I'm *in* nslookup, I can say:
|set querytype=ns
|server a.root-servers.net
| and it works.  On the command line, I can say:
|nslookup -type=NS domain.com ns.our.company.com
| and it works.  But, if I try:
|nslookup -type=NS domain.com a.root-servers.net
|  It doesn't.  Can some kindly soul enlighten me as to what I'm doing

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