trussing nslookup

Christine.Tran at Christine.Tran at
Thu Nov 4 15:14:40 UTC 1999

Good morning.

I sent this yesterday but I didn't see it come thru, so I'm resending it.  Pardon me if you've gotten duplicates.

truss of an interactive nslookup shows:

sendto(3, "DC k01\0\001\0\0\0\0\0\0".., 45, 0, 0xEFFDF568, 16) = 45
poll(0xEFFDD230, 1, 5000)                       = 1
recvfrom(3, "DC k8580\001\001\002\0\0".., 65536, 0, 0xEFFDF2B8, 0xEFFDF2C8) = 13

This is when I use "server" to switch name server.  I don't know how to interpret the stuff that comes after "DC", can anyone help?

I am on a box with named listening on one interface.  If that IP address is in /etc/resolv.conf, nslookup starts up fine.  However if I take that out of resolv.conf, and use "server" in interactive nslookup to switch to that interface, nslookup hangs.  the truss looks like the above, there's a sendto(), a bunch of poll() that waits for a long time and then sleeps, but no recvfrom().  What could happen to cause this?  Note that I am ON the box, so routing and traffic are not issues here.  Also, other hosts can use this interface just fine.  debug1 of named on that interface looks quite normal.

Here's the truss of the misbehavior:

sendto(3, "DC l01\0\001\0\0\0\0\0\0".., 45, 0, 0xEFFDF568, 16) = 45
poll(0xEFFDD230, 1, 5000)       (sleeping...)
poll(0xEFFDD230, 1, 5000)                       = 0
sendto(3, "DC l01\0\001\0\0\0\0\0\0".., 45, 0, 0xEFFDF568, 16) = 45
poll(0xEFFDD230, 1, 10000)      (sleeping...)
.[more of the same]


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