bind 4.9.7 to 8.2.x

Jim Reid jim at
Wed Jun 23 09:03:32 UTC 1999

>>>>> "Luke" == Luke Borg <sleep at> writes:

    Luke> I was wondering if theres anything i have to do if i want to
    Luke> import my named files from 4.9.7 to the current stable
    Luke> release of bind 8.2.x?  are they transferable and is there
    Luke> anything special i need to change in any of my configuration
    Luke> files.

The syntax of zone files is defined in RFC1035. Files in that format
should be read OK by any name server. Having said that, the BIND8 name
server is a lot fussier about the zone data it loads. It will reject
things like illegal names or names which belong in another zone that
you used to get away with in previous versions of BIND. You'll also
have to generate a new config file - named.conf - because BIND8
doesn't use named.boot. There's a script that comes with BIND8 called
named-bootconf which converts a named.boot file into its named.conf

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