forwarding in bind 8.2 / txb

Jim Reid jim at
Mon Jun 21 09:24:39 UTC 1999

>>>>> "Volker" == Volker Dormeyer <V.Dormeyer at> writes:

    Volker> Hi there, I upgraded one of our nameservers from bind
    Volker> 4.9.6 to bind 8.2. After some tests I saw that the
    Volker> forwarding doesn´t work as expected.

    Volker> It seems to me, that the server doesn´t try to contact
    Volker> the forwarder, because nslookup immediately gives me NX
    Volker> domain back. I also tried it with bind t6b and t7b - same
    Volker> result.

The problem is most likely to be nslookup. [Please throw this program
in the bin. Use dig for DNS troubleshoting.] Ancient versions of
nslookup make inverse queries. Modern versions of BIND don't support
this obscure query by default. So if you use an old version of
nslookup to query a BIND8 name server, it doesn't work. Either you use
the version of nslookup that comes with BIND8 or else tweak named.conf
so the name server supports these worthless inverse queries from
ancient versions of nslookup.

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