IP Address Rotation

Jim Reid jim at mpn.cp.philips.com
Fri Jun 18 09:41:19 UTC 1999

>>>>> "Nucleon" == Nucleon  <jeffd at uic.com> writes:

    Nucleon> Certain nameservers on the Internet seem to resolve a
    Nucleon> name to a group of addresses in a "random" manner.  For
    Nucleon> ex, if you resolve "www.microsoft.com" you get a bunch of
    Nucleon> addresses that keep changing order.  If I code in
    Nucleon> multiple A records on my server, it always returns
    Nucleon> queries in the same order, how do you tell it to return
    Nucleon> addresses randomly???

Run an up to date DNS implementation which supports round-robin.
This is enabled by default in BIND8. 8.2 has even fancier features for
randomising the order resource records get returned in answers.

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