DNS Forwarders

Dave_Walsh Dave_J_Walsh at keane.com
Thu Jun 17 12:17:28 UTC 1999

We have a DNS server running BIND 8.2 on a Linux Slackware box that
resides behind a packet filtering firewall.  I've disabled all filters
essentially making it a simple router.  I've finally managed to get DNS
working locally.  However, we are part of a larger corporation that has
its own DNS setup and is not willing to make us a child of their parent
structure.  I would however like to assign names to devices locally and
I'd also like to be able to resolve internet names too as well as
corporate devices at the head office. Right now, all computers point
their DNS setting to the corporate DNS server.  I'd like to change this
so that they point locally here on our segment.

Again, I have it resolving local names, but I can't get it to do
anything outside of our site.  In other words, the forwarders statement
doesn't seem to be working..  I am VERY new to DNS.  I've read most of
DNS and BIND but there's very little on how I might get this type of
configuration working -- or perhaps there's more and I just don't
understand enough of it.  Anyway, if someone could maybe take a look at
my NAMED.CONF file below and make any suggestions if possible, that'd be
a big help.  Any other resources would also assist.  Again, I am very
new to DNS so dumb it down a little ;-).



// DNS Config File
options {
        directory "/var/named";
        forwarders {; };

zone "mycomp.ca" in {
        type master;
        file "db.mycomp";

zone "10.1.0.in-addr.arpa" in {
        type master;
        file "db.10.1.0";

zone "" in {
        type master;
        file "db.192.168.57";

zone "0.0.127.in-addr.arpa" {
       type master;
       file "db.127.0.0";

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