BIND 8.x, security, and delegations

Gregg TeHennepe gat at
Tue Jun 15 12:25:40 UTC 1999

Barry Margolin wrote:

> That's not how it works.  How is the querier supposed to know that
> has its own nameservers?  The way it works is that they
> ask your server for the A record of  If your
> server has the information and they're authorized to query in that zone,
> your server will respond; 

My server does not have the A record, so presumably we go to:

> if the subdomain is delegated and your server
> doesn't have the answer, it should return a referral containing the NS
> records, and then the querier will retry by asking those servers.

Okay that makes sense to me, and it means that eventually the query will
succeed. But then Cricket writes:

> Actually, I would think your name server wouldn't be returning the referral,
> since the original query was denied.

Ack! This means the query will fail?! Now I'm confused again... if this is the
case, does it mean I can't configure my servers securely and still delegate the
domain as described? Do my servers have to be secondarys for the delegated
domain so that they can look up the A record?

Cheers   - Gregg

Gregg TeHennepe  | Unix Systems Administrator  | The Jackson Laboratory
gat at      |  | Bar Harbor, Maine  USA

Lastly Barry asks:

> P.S. Why did you thread this to a completely unrelated message (it was
> titled "Help" -- you posted this as a reply, although you changed the
> Subject)?

Um, I have the brainstem of a newt? Hmm, been on the net too long to use the new
luser excuse ;-)... historically I've had marginal access to news, and have
participated in mail lists almost exclusively compared to newsgroups. Being used
to their unthreaded nature, I have the bad habit of sending mail to the group by
picking a random message, replying, and changing the subject. Thanks for the

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