Issues with Granitecanyon and TTL

Antonio antonio at
Fri Jun 11 19:10:56 UTC 1999

Does anyone know how long the default TTL entries are by granitecanyon
when we do not specify them? For some reason a record I created with them
was not resolving the MX entries at all, so I decided to delete the record
and use my own dns for primary service. It has been a couple of days so
all changes should have been propagated down from Internic, but when I
NSLOOKUP from any number of servers I am still getting the screwy
granitecanyon record.

In fact I have been having my share of problems with granitecanyon. When I
try to nsolookup -, I get an error and can't connect.
For a long time I was getting the dreade 172... error (zone does not exist
here) even though the zone clearly did exist, and now all of the mx tags
are off (though I think this might have been my fault as I left and
;EXTREF tag next to one that should not have been there)

Any help on the TTL question is greatly appreciated. Also, does anyone
know if there is anything to do if the TTL was set absurdly high?


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