BIND 8.2: 99% server load when lame delegation occurs (reprised)

Joseph S D Yao jsdy at
Fri Jun 4 21:07:15 UTC 1999

> In early May, Fabian Uebersax posted a question to the list regarding lame
> delegation.  ...
> Cricket reponded, explaining the scenario:
> I don't have any other archived messages regarding the issue, and the May
> issues are not up on yet. :-p I am trying to find an answer to the
> configuration issue: how should BIND 8.2.1 be configured to avoid this
> problem since lame deligation is inevitable?

Other messages basically said, "It shouldn't happen because recursion
should already be turned off," and "This must be a bug in 8.2" [without
any proof or disproof].

> This same problem is now occuring with our DNS system, which comprises of
> 3 authoritative slaves and 1 unannounced master.
> Ever since the upgrade to 8.2 last month, lame deligations have caused
> this looping. Examining the logs seems to suggest that just two servers
> are involved (the two listed as SOA sources in InterNIC).  A asks B, B
> asks A, A asks B, etc.  Am I missing something?  How could I have
> misconfigured the DNS so that 'C' is now involved (if that is the problem
> at all)?

Have you tried making only two servers for the domain?  This is just a
patch, not a cure.

Have you checked your 'syslog' output, to see whether the domain in
question was perhaps rejected on both servers for some piddling
inconsequential [;-)] syntax error?

Could you post "real" data, such as domain and server names - or, if
not, could you e-mail them?

I am a bit puzzled by your phrase "SOA sources".  The InterNIC will
just list the public servers [presumably, 2 of the 3 slaves you
mentioned earlier].  The SOA should only contain one host, the master
[which you say is "unannounced", a perfectly valid thing to do].  Could
you clarify, please?

Joe Yao				jsdy at - Joseph S. D. Yao
COSPO/OSIS Computer Support					EMT-B
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