Linux 2.2.5 Compile warning

Adam Augustine adam_augustine at
Fri Jul 30 18:22:34 UTC 1999

I am compiling BIND 8.2.1 on a standard Caldera OpenLinux 2.2 (which uses
kernel 2.2.5, and glibc2.1 I think) install. I get the following warnings:

if test ! -d threaded ; then mkdir threaded ; fi
(gcc -D_GNU_SOURCE  -O -g -I../../port/linux/include -I../../include
-D_REENTRANT -c irpmarshall.c \
 -o threaded/irpmarshall.o ; \
  ld -x -r threaded/irpmarshall.o && \
  mv a.out threaded/irpmarshall.o)
irpmarshall.c:93: warning: static declaration for `strndup' follows
gcc -D_GNU_SOURCE  -O -g -I../../port/linux/include -I../../include  -c
irpmarshall.c:93: warning: static declaration for `strndup' follows
ld -x -r irpmarshall.o -o a.out && \
  mv a.out irpmarshall.o

Is this something I should worry about? Named seems to run fine as far as I
can tell (no obvious core dumps at least, and it seems to resolve queries

Any suggestions?

Adam Augustine

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