DNS Question

jbp jbp at yourluckyday.com
Wed Jul 28 16:53:37 UTC 1999

I apologize if this is an inappropriate post to this group. I found
the address in a DNS Q&A  My name is Jim Peters and I have what will
probably be a very trivial question to put to this forum.

We are in the process of moving our domains from 1 host to another.
The problem seems to be that we are being served by both servers at
the same time. I was told that this is because
some ISP's have not yet updated  their DNS or they are caching DNS
information. Is it possible to get a more defined explanation for this

Any and all assistance would be greatly appreciated. I  also intend
publishing information on this subject in our newsletter, so your
replays should only be made if you approve of their use in that
article, or stipulate you don't want your correspondence used.



publisher at yourluckyday.com

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