named dies when out of memory?

Jim Reid jim at
Wed Jul 28 09:23:23 UTC 1999

>>>>> "Adam" == Adam Porter <NOporterSPAM at> writes:

    Adam> BIND 8.2.1 on an SGI IRIX 6.2.  named dies when it runs out
    Adam> of memory!  We tried setting a memory limit, but it seems to
    Adam> then die when it reaches that limit.

    Adam> Is this supposed to happen? 

Yes. There's not much else that can be done if the OS can't won't let
name server get more VM.

    Adam> Is there anything we can do?

Try letting the name server have more VM resources. Check out your
shell's limit command and consult the OS documentation about process
size limits. If that's not possible, you could try to make the name
server less memory-hungry. For example, you could disable
host-statistics if these were enabled. You could reduce the number of
zones in its named.conf. If the server is thumped by lots of
resolvers, consider adding more caching name servers and splitting the
traffic from the resolvers between them. That should stop your name
server's cache from getting so big.

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