
Robert.Y.Shamoon at Robert.Y.Shamoon at
Thu Jul 22 15:28:56 UTC 1999

I am having a problem when compiling bind 8.2.1.

The following are the steps I followed:
1- downloaded bind-src.tar.gz.
2- uncompressed and un-tar.
3- make DST=/etc/bind SRC=`pwd` links
4- cd /etc/bind
5- ran "make clean"
6- ran "make depend" and I started getting the following error
"gcc: instalation problem: cannot exec `cpp` : no such file or

please let me know what is the fix for this problem. I assume if I was
able to run the make depend, make, and make install then I will be able
to modify the db files.
could you also direct me to FRQ place where such questions are

Thank you
Robert Shamoon

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