DNS query timeouts

Tero A Kauppinen takauppi at cc.helsinki.fi
Thu Jul 15 11:49:53 UTC 1999

We are currently using FreeBSD 3.2 & Bind 8.1.2 and are 
facing some problems when trying to resolve addresses. The setup we 
have is as follows:

   H -------- S ---------------- B -------- ( The Internet ) ---- X
 (host) (internal server)   (bastion host)                     (target host)

If H tries to query the address of host X, the operation fails for the
first time. The problem, as I understand it, is with timing, i.e. S 
doesn't wait long enough for an answer from B. However, when the query 
is repeated, S has already got an answer for its previous query, and 
thus the answer can be found in the cache. 

How can I increase the time S waits for an answer from B before
returning an error to H?



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