multiple domains on one ip?

Michael Voight mvoight at
Thu Jul 15 13:45:06 UTC 1999


It would be a lot easier for us to help if you could specify the domain
names you are trying to get to work, so we can look up the records.
Telling us it is doesn't help. You should also let us know
what version of BIND you are using. Give us an example of a domain
people can't look up.

If some people can look at some names and others can't, then it might be
a issue with certain nameservers not getting updates. You should use dig
or nslookup to see what information they can get on the zone. When this
fails,  is it due to "server failed" or "no such domain (nxdomain)"

Michael Voight

Nate wrote:
> Is it possible to have multiple domain names pointintg to one ip?  I have
> this set up now, and it SORTA works.  Some people can resolve all the names
> fine, but others can't.  I have set up as the primary name
> server for all of them, and also as the SOA for all of them.  then I have A
> records in each zone and CNAMES.  It seems that everyone doesn't have a
> problem looking up, but they do the other domains I have
> pointing there.
> here's another weird thing: when querying with different DNS servers, I'll
> try and it won't find it, but then I try
> and it finds it right away, then after that the server has cached
> Please help, i've been pulling my hair out for a month, have read the whole
> o'reilly dns and bind book, and read through a couple RFCs too.  I just
> don't get it.
> Thanks,
> Nate

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