What are these messages

Barry Margolin barmar at bbnplanet.com
Fri Jul 9 21:39:54 UTC 1999

In article <37866791.555B3440 at checkstop.com>,
Leroy Janda  <ljanda at checkstop.com> wrote:
>Would someome explain this in plain English. I too am wondering what these

"Lame server" messages have been explained many times in this newsgroup,
and they're also described in the DNS&BIND book.  But I guess we'll have to
do it again just for you....

The server was trying to look up the names 'DOTTO', 'PII', 'CRUCH', and
'AFRODITE', all in the root domain (that's what "(in ''?)" refers to).  It
was told that nameserver.atriol.com is authoritative for this domain (I'm
guessing this is a site with an internal root server).  But when it queried
that server at address it got a non-authoritative reply.

Normally after "learnt" it would provide the addresses of the servers who
told it the address of nameserver.atriol.com (after "A=") and that
nameserver.atriol.com is the nameserver for the domain it's looking in
(after "NS=").  I presume that the reason these fields just have "." is
because this information was learned from the root server hints file rather
than a delegation.

>Alessandro Coppelli wrote:
>> Hi to all. Today I get these messages
>>  in /var/adm/messages
>>  server named[116]: Lame server on 'DOTTO' (in ''?):[].53
>> 'nameserver.atriol.com': learnt (A=".", NS=".")
>>  server named[116]: Lame server on 'PII' (in ''?):[].53
>> 'nameserver.atriol.com': learnt (A=".", NS=".")
>>  server named[116]: Lame server on 'CRUCH' (in ''?):[].53
>> 'nameserver.atriol.com': learnt (A=".", NS=".")
>>  server named[116]: Lame server on 'AFRODITE' (in
>> ''?):[].53 'nameserver.atriol.com': learnt (A=".", NS=".")
>>  ecc. ecc. .......
>>  What are these messages.

Barry Margolin, barmar at bbnplanet.com
GTE Internetworking, Powered by BBN, Burlington, MA
Please DON'T copy followups to me -- I'll assume it wasn't posted to the group.

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