
Sami Yousif syousif at iname.com
Tue Jul 6 22:16:28 UTC 1999

Mark_Andrews at isc.org wrote:

>         The nameservers for 31.216.209.in-addr.arpa only use a 8k buffer
>         for their TCP response.  Unfortunately they seem to want to put
>         every name under the sun into this RRset and overflow this buffer.
>         Mark

They probably use an automated script to generate the reverse zones...

Thing is... even w/ multiple in-addrs, isn't the only relevant one the first
one for a particular address? (so if it DID work, the only entry returned
would be  the name of the first one on that list....)

isnt this is why on name based virtual web domains the real ip of the server
(in this case should be called something like
vserver.domain.com, and a single ptr record pointing to
vserver.domain.com is all that would have been needed. The other domains
listed should not have a ptr pointing to them. In the forward zone file they
should be cnames and not A records....

or do I have something misunderstood somewhere?


Sami Yousif

mailto:syousif at iname.com

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