Specifying destination server with nsupdate...

Jim Reid jim at rfc1035.com
Tue Dec 14 00:00:06 UTC 1999

>>>>> "Brian" == Brian Matchick <matchick at enteract.com> writes:

    Brian> I'm testing BIND 8 which I set up on my workstation with
    Brian> phony DNS records.  I'm playing with dynamic updates and
    Brian> would like to know if there is a way to specify where an
    Brian> update request is sent using nsupdate.  

No. Read the manpage for nsupdate in the doc tarball. Dynamic updates
ultimately have to go to the master name server for the zone. [Well in
theory a dynamic update can go to a slave server which will forward it
to the master for processing.] After all, the master server is the
definitive place where every change for a zone has to be done. That's
what being a master server means.

    Brian> I assume nsupdate is using the resolver on my machine,

Not really. It'll use the resolver to get the zone's SOA record to
identify the zone's master server and get its IP address. Then
nsupdate will fire dynamic update requests at that IP address. Just
think about it: the name server(s) provided in /etc/resolv.conf for
sending queries might not even be a master or slave for the zone(s)
that someone wants to dynamically update. 

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