2 ip's one name

Joseph S D Yao jsdy at cospo.osis.gov
Wed Dec 29 18:49:45 UTC 1999

On Wed, Dec 29, 1999 at 10:34:30AM +0800, Greg wrote:
> I have two radius servers one on either side of a nas/router(cisco 5300)
> I would like this router to look like ts2 from either side of the
> network.
> The radius server sees the interface that is on it's side, and resolves
> off that name. So our records are cleaner I would like to have this
> router to have the same name for both its ip's 
> Is this possible.
> Thanks Greg Dickson 
> witchy at netserv.net.au

Certainly possible, but confusing.  If both are, e.g.,
ts2.netserv.net.au, then you just say:

[$ORIGIN == netserv.net.au]
ts2		IN A	first.ip.add.ress
		IN A	second.ip.add.ress

BUT, the default behaviour here is for the name server to give these out
in rotating order.  Your servers on either side will get, in alternate
order, one and then the other.  This is probably not what you wanted.

Here are a couple of alternatives.

1. Go with the above, but have the router itself internally route the
two IP addresses to each other.  Hmmm.  As I write this, I realize that
I've only routed one address to the other.  I don't know whether routing
them to each other would work.  Perhaps you should scratch that.

2. Have two separate domains - in/out, east/west, yin/yang, yes/no, I
don't care.  Have the first IP address be ts2.in.netserv.net.au, and all
of the devices on that side be and resolv to in.netserv.net.au.  Have
the second IP address be ts2.out.netserv.net.au, and all of the devices
on that side be and resolv to out.netserv.net.au.  Then the devices on
both sides can address "ts2", and the router will respond correctly in
each case.

3. Each side resolves off a different name server, which has identical
configuration on both sides, except for this one name.  This is a very
crufty solution, but it works.  I would not call it maintainable.

Joe Yao				jsdy at cospo.osis.gov - Joseph S. D. Yao
COSPO/OSIS Computer Support					EMT-B
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