Error in zone transfer

Jim Reid jim at
Wed Dec 29 11:21:01 UTC 1999

>>>>> "Mohammed" == Mohammed Ghanawi <mohammed.ghanawi at> writes:

    Mohammed> Could this be due to the fact that our master is on ATM,
    Mohammed> and the secondary on 10Mbits/shard connection ?

I doubt it, but I wouldn't rule out faulty network hardware as a
possible explanation. The error you saw indicates that the DNS packets
are mangled. [Take a look at the code that caused that error message
to be printed.] You should put a network sniffer on the network and
look at the DNS packets. You can even use the name server's packet
logging category to dump all the queries and replies to a file. It's
unlikely - but not impossible - that the name servers are sending
malformed answers. Maybe your servers are sending weird data that
isn't getting encoded or decoded to/from the wire format properly?

It would also be an idea to make sure that both systems have got UDP
checksumming enabled. No UDP checksumming is a common cause of mangled
DNS data. Checking the network hardware would be a good idea too:
maybe there's a loose connection or faulty interface that's corrupting
packets? If this was the case, there would be other symptoms like poor
network performance.

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