Still named resolver problems

Mike Smith mike at
Mon Dec 27 17:48:36 UTC 1999

 Hi all,

 Welp as stated in previous message. Named seems to stop answering queries when 
it reaches 88% of memeory. The only way around this seems to be to set up a 
cron to issue an ndc restart like every 12 hours. Does this seem right ?? :)

 It seems from my readings that datasize limits will do nothing for us ??? I 
would expect it to clean itself up when the datasize limit is reached. But that 
doesn't seem to be the case. I have left out the datasize statement in the 
named.conf for such reason. The machines are running Redhat 6.0 with 128M and a 
450Mhz processor. The only thing running on the boxes is sshd and named. 

 Any suggestions would be great.....I guess upping the RAM would help, but was 
looking for something that might be a little less costly.

 Anyhow, Thanx in advance :)

 - Mike

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