DNS Security

wwebb at adni.net wwebb at adni.net
Mon Dec 27 15:39:17 UTC 1999

Where there is a primary master zone with the server supporting 
one or more resolvers, a configuration recommended at:

is as follows:

acl internal { 206.168.119/24; };

options {
	director "/var/named";
	recursion yes; //the default
	allow-querry {internal; };

zone "acmebw.com" {
	type master;
	file "db.acmebw";
	allow-transfer {;; };
	allow-query { any; };

Irrespective of an option to allow queries only from the internal IP 
addresses,  if a specific zone is set, such as acmebw.com as 
above, isn't the default to allow queries to that specific zone ?   If 
so, then what is the purpose of the "allow-query { any; }  entry 

Thanks, Bill Webb

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