local names

Kyle Hargraves halogen at nol.net
Sat Dec 25 17:18:16 UTC 1999


I'm having a bit of trouble with bind 8.2.2-P6 (installed from the OpenBSD
ports tree). I currently have a dialup connection, with a varying number
of machines on an internal network. Basically, I'm lazy and getting tired
of editing every /etc/hosts when I add/remove a machine (I have any where
from 4-12 machines on the net at a time, so its cumbersome). Each machine
has a address, and they are NAT'd to get to the outside

I have no domain name to use, so I'm sticking with my simple names, such
as 'agony', 'rancid', etc. I've run into trouble when trying to find what
zone to put these under in my named.conf file. I can get the PTR records
to work, under the 22.168.192.in-addr.arpa. zone, but I have no clue as
to where to put A records. If I tack on an arbitrary domain name, I can
lookup the name 'agony.domain.here', but simply 'agony' does not work.

I realize this isn't much to go on, but does any one have an example of
a configuration like this (or merely what zone I should put the names


-Kyle Hargraves

krh - halogen at nol.net
and we all went mental and danced.

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