Have several questions about setup- Bind 8.1.2

Joseph S D Yao jsdy at cospo.osis.gov
Fri Dec 24 00:23:29 UTC 1999

On Thu, Dec 23, 1999 at 04:14:09PM -0500, Adrian Griffis wrote:
> Hello,
> A brief history:
> Our company recently switched our whole network around. We used to use a
> dial-up connection and our web page and e-mail were through the dial-up ISP
> server. Now we have a permanent connection and have our own web server and
> e-mail server. One of the catches was to run our own DNS server because the
> new ISP wanted to much money for a primary for us, but we could use a their
> secondary at no charge.
> My questions are:
> 1) How do you setup for an ISP secondary server? (i.e. what files are needed
> ..db.xxx.xx.xx and what is needed in the named.conf file)
> I've tried this earlier but received a bunch of errors regarding named-xfer
> and non-authoritative in domain.

You don't.  They do.  All you do is make sure that their server name is
declared in an NS record in the zone.

Now you know why you got all those errors.  ;-)

Some people like to restrict who can do an entire zone transfer.  That
was just argued roundly in this forum.  Some feel it's more secure,
others deride security by obscurity.

> 2) Is there anything, as far as setup for 8.2.2 P5, new to change in the
> named.conf file or other files?
> I did have this loaded, but had nothing but trouble with it, so I put 8.1.2
> back on my server, with no problems.

You should put at the head of all zone files:


where N is the number that used to be the last number in your SOA
record, typically something like 1D (one day) or 86400 (same in

Other than that, there are only (a) added features, and (b) greatly
increased security, hint, hint.

> 3) To make sure, you do put MX records in your db.domain.com file right?
> We are still not getting e-mail.

If that's what you call your zone file, then, yes.  Give us a (REAL)
example of what you are doing, and tell us what you expect of it, and we
can tell you if that's correct.

Joe Yao				jsdy at cospo.osis.gov - Joseph S. D. Yao
COSPO/OSIS Computer Support					EMT-B
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