
Evans, Shawn SEvans at WIS.TWC.com
Mon Dec 20 23:13:48 UTC 1999

domain	mydomain.com
searchpath in.mickeymouse.net #some dns totally outside of mydomain.com
nameserver 111.222.333.444    #primary DNS for mydomain.com
nameserver 222.333.444.555    #secondary DNS for mydomain.com

Could I add on the primary DNS a searchpath line pointing to another domain
all-together, (in this case in.mickeymouse.net as seen above) and then
assume that any machine that uses the primary DNS would also get searched
results from that other searchpath? ie:

user on MachineA who happens to resolv DNS from 111.222.333.444 and
222.333.444.555 does 'nslookup somewhere' Would the DNS resolv that to
'somewhere.in.mickeymouse.net' or would it just bomb out?

This would seem like a logical solution to me, because if it could be done
on the primary DNS then each machine that needs to search for
in.mickeymouse.net would not have to have there resolv.conf changed to
include a searchpath.

We have many servers using a domain and Oracle and the DBA's are installing
'Names' within Oracle so I am looking for the "Best" solution for everyone
involved so we can search outside our current domain and searchpath just
seems like the answer.

Opinions/Ideas welcome.. =)

- Shawn L. Evans, mailto:slevans at sprintparanet.com -
-   Phone: 1-918-573-9336 Mobile: 1-918-361-7601   -
-      TxtPge: 8882079104.3828282 at pagenet.net      -
-        Pager: 1-800-724-3329  Pin 3828282        -

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