/22 block and reverse delegation of one class C network

mmj mjordanNOmjSPAM at gestalttechnology.com.invalid
Wed Dec 15 18:07:09 UTC 1999

Hi all.  I'm new to the discussion list.  Sorry if this has
been discussed before, is there archives somewhere I can

My company has become an ISP, and we were given a /22 block
by our upstream provider.  We have assigned one class C
block to a customer, and I would like to give them reverse
authority over that class C.  But I just can't get it to

In named.boot I have tried setting it both as primary and
secondary for the class c in-addr.arpa.  In a reverse file
for the class C, I list all information about the customer,
with NS records pointing to their name servers.  If I do a
soa query in nslookup, it shows me all their information,
but if I actually try to lookup one of their addresses it
says nonexistent host/domain.  But I know their name servers
do resolution, if I go directly to their server and ask for
the reverse lookup I get the answer.

Does anybody have an example of doing this delegation?  I
see lots of examples in the DNS and BIND book about
delegating out a class B to class Cs, subnetting a class C,
etc.  but I just have 4 class Cs, and want to give one of
them to a customer.

I'm lost.


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