
Randy Bush randy at psg.com
Mon Dec 13 23:22:18 UTC 1999

>> test
> Yes, all of the thousands of subscribers to the mailing list PLUS all
> the millions of news servers got this message.  [Surely there's a better
> way to do this???]

yes yes.  i would have apologized to the list except that would have been
more rubbish.  but the rate of incoming whining warrants it i guess.

it was an alias mistake.

as named runs as user bind, messages from cron go to that user.  so i added

    bind:  root

to /etc/aliases.  i wanted to test it so sent email To: bind.  unfortunately
i have a .mailrc with

    alias bind "Bind Users <bind-users at isc.org>"

so there you go.  hope you enjoyed the explanation.  and apologies again.


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